HEY BITCH, heyyy.
I've got my sweetest drug! LITERALLY!Hahaha.
I know. Its not that healthy! But c'mon!:)) It's really goood.:))
Oh. And here are the babies:))

I forgot. We have finals tomorrow. And I'm still not studying.
Still thinking on how my summer will be. I think I'll go to workshops. Dunnow where yet.
But surely it's in Manila. Can't believe that the school year is almost over!
It's like sweet torture! Feeling good and somehow bad all at thesame time!
I mean, hello! Ring-a-bell, who doesn't love summer? And a 2 month school out vacation?
But I really feel bad kasi naman, I'll miss all of classmates. The kulitan times:((
Deym! Anyway. I'll be studying in Biology. Then History. Nevermind PHEM:))
I'm still in seach for my perfect layy and someone who can host meee:D
Geek Mode.
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