The sparks are gonna fly!
watched GG kanina. Yepp, i'm still hating Little Miss Jenny Humphrey. So, in the last few scenes of the episode I was like "what a social climbing slut faced bitch" Haha. Too much. But atleast that's what I think of it.
Yeah, plus Michelle Trachtenberg is joining the gg socialites. I know a lot about her na and her roles in the show so i'm not gonna tell you yet. Haha. Just a hint, she's Georgina Sparks. The one sending those mails to S. Yeah. So. There:p And she's really looking goooood!:p here she is in the GG set.
She has absolutely gorgeous BAG!:p
then, I chatted with my friend nina. Which I haven't seen for ages.
We talked about everything! From the latest GG ep. To Boys onto her boyfriend
to reminiscing our grade school days
to future college schools and courses and eklats.
It was really fun. Like talking to one of your bestest friends back then. Wooh. Lovette.
Thanks to my sis who bought me this fruitchillo from Blenz
mine is the strawberry there. Which I totally adore:p
Love this! Fruitchillo plus blogging= love:>